I always wanted to have an assistant. Well, after a long research, I had to face the truth : I have to build one by myself. Here it is : The Macintouch ! It’s an articulated artoy, looking like a Macintosh with some electonics in it for making it alive. It’s a mix from an artoy i’ve made few years ago and the “Adafriend” from Adafruit.

This little guy reacts as you bumps his head thanks to a vibration sensor. It has several moods : Neutral, happy, angry and sad. It makes some sounds and whistle songs when drunk happy.


For the electronics you’ll need : 

  1. – The Adafruit Pro trinket 5V 
  2. – The Adafruit Backpack Lipo 
  3. – The Adafruit 8*8 LED Matrix 
  4. – A fast vibration sensor SW-18010P
  5. – One 3.7V 500Mah Lipo
  6. – A  7*7 self lock switch 6 pins
  7. – A 12mm buzzer
  8. – Two 2.5*4mm metalic inserts with two 2.5*8mm screws
  9. – A 2.5*20mm screw
You can use other brand parts but those fits perfectly on this project. 
  1. For the arms and legs, you’ll need :
  2. – Some silicone/rubber hose (Diam. 7mm)
  3. – Some thick copper wire 


The structure is composed by :

  1. – The box in two parts : front and back
  2. – The screen support and bezel where fits the screen
  3. – The power switch with support (notice that the support doesn’t appear on the upper picture)
  4. – Hands and shoes

You will find STLs here.

These STLs are FREE ! But you can help me buying materials to make more stuff here !



Well, for the wiring, I will not translate it. I assume that you speak a good english so here is the wiring tutorial from Adafruit.

Now, the screen.

Insert the matrix on the support, then the bezel. Insert the whole thing on the front side and secure it with 3 screws. Pretty easy but you’ll have to force a little bit to get it into the front side, beware not to apply too much strenght or you will break the box. I’ve added 2 metal inserts for better support of the two parts of the box.

Notice that there is enough room below the screen to put the battery when mounted.

We can now install the whole electronics on the back. Start by inserting the power button on the hole, place the switch on the support and screw it. Then screw the trinket in place, that will help to install the buzzer on the down left side and the SW-18010P on the upper right. 

You can now insert the copper wires onto the hoses. Notice that I left more copper than hose for the arms and legs, for them to be still in the box while making them move.

Et voilà ! Plug the screen, close the box and install the hands and shoes.


You will find the full code here.

I share here the songs he whistle while drunk happy : 

"The Simpsons:d=4,o=5,b=160:c.6,e6,f#6,8a6,g.6,e6,c6,8a,8f#,8f#,8f#,2g,8p,8p,8f#,8f#,8f#,8g,a#.,8c6,8c6,8c6,c6";

Beware not to overload the memory, more than 7 songs will make it crash.

Here is what it looks like when singing (if the video doesn’t show up, right clic and “show commands”).It will sings only when “happy”. You’ll have to bump it several times for him to change mood. Too much bumps will make it angry. It makes sounds on all moods . The more happy it is, the more high-pitched are the sounds.


Here is the end of this build, a bit more complicated than the previous ones but really fun to do. It’s a good start for playing with arduinos. 

You can change the hands pretty easily. A little guy that gives you company while spending long hours in front of your computer !

Hope this B_log was helpful , it’s now time to tell you :